SwimGames are interactive games in the swimming pool, that you can play alone or in a group - by simply swimming around. The system exists of a camera above the pool, and a large display. Swimmers are visible as silhouettes on the display.

Different games can be played while swimming, for example:
- waterpainting - paint on the screen by swimming around
- monsterhunger - your silhouette grows when you catch digital fish
- swimball - try to score by getting the ball into the digital whirlpool
SwimGames was inspired by a design research project (2013) during the PhD projects of Menno Deen and Rob Tieben, in the education program of Fontys School of ICT with Mark van Kuijk and Luuk Waarbroek. The product SwimGames was launched in 2017 as a product and company by Menno, Mark, Luuk and Rob.
Swimgames.nl . Menno Deen, Mark van Kuijk, Luuk Waarbroek, Rob Tieben. Fontys School of ICT colleagues & students.